
Voliro Closes CHF 2.0 Million Seed Round

(startupticker.ch, September 22, 2020)

In order to ensure the safety and integrity of critical infrastructure, as well as minimize human exposure to hazardous environments, ETH Zürich spin-off Voliro Airborne Robotics developed a flying robot capable of performing in-depth structural integrity assessments, using advanced inspection technologies. In particular, these robots feature a unique and patent-pending capability to approach structures at any orientation, which can significantly reduce inspection costs and time. Having already demonstrated strong traction across various industries, the startup recently closed a CHF 2.0 million seed round, which, according to Timo Müller, Product Lead and Co-founder of Voliro AG, will allow them to “speed up the development process and to package the amazing technology into an industrial grade product.”

Original Article on https://www.startupticker.ch

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