
ANYbotics, bestsmile and reCIRCLE Win Swiss Economic Awards

(Greater Zurich Area, September 03, 2020)

Following a competitive multi-stage judging process that comprised over 180 applicants, ANYbotics, bestsmile and reCIRCLE were recently crowned as the winners of the coveted Swiss Economic Awards at the 2020 Swiss Economic Forum, in the categories of high-tech/biotech, services, and production/trade & industry, respectively. The winners each received CHF 25k in prize money, as well as simplified access to the SEF4KMU growth initiative. To briefly introduce the winning startups, ANYbotics develops autonomous robots that can independently inspect and monitor industrial plants, bestsmile produces transparent braces for adults and young people aged 16 and over using a state-of-the-art 3D printing process, and reCIRCLE created the world's first industry solution for returnable packaging.

Original Article on https://www.greaterzuricharea.com

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