
Addressing the "Financializiation of Everday Life"

(University of Lugano, September 24, 2020)

While managing one's own finances requires an adequate level of "financial literacy," we have been witnessing a cultural-social change that poses a series of fundamental questions relating to individual responsibility, as well as to the collective responsibility of States. In this context, Università della Svizzera italiana Assistant Professor Léna Pellandini-Simányi addressed the issue of the 'financialization of daily life' in a chapter of the recently published Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies. According to Pellandini-Simányi, this can be a disadvantage for those who cannot 'manage' themselves, which is why "it would be important to go beyond the individual risk calculation and provide access to credit that is based on more universal criteria in order to avoid an increase in inequalities."

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