
Participatory Projects to Prevent and Reduce Poverty

(Bern University of Applied Sciences, September 02, 2020)

Using a participatory approach, the Bern University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO/FR and HES-SO/GE), on behalf of the Federal Social Insurance Office, recently conducted a study to investigate the ways in which individuals affected by poverty can be involved in the development and implementation of measures to prevent and reduce poverty. Following their analysis, a wide range of opportunities for participation were identified in six areas of activity and policy, based on six models. Although the implantation of participatory projects might vary depending on the context, the study underlined the importance of careful planning, setting concrete and achievable goals, having clearly defined roles, and “meeting at eye level” – professionals must be willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.

Original Article on https://www.knoten-maschen.ch

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