
Precise Snowmelt and Water Inflow Predictions for Hydropower Plants

(University of Zurich, August 13, 2020)

Although snow constitutes an important source of water for hydroelectric plants, it can be difficult for operators to optimize water retention, as well as power production, as this requires a precise knowledge of when and how much meltwater flows into their water reservoirs. To address this issue, a team comprised of the University of Zurich spin-off ExoLabs, Norwegian start-up Think Outside and UBIMET from Austria developed a model that uses remote sensing to predict snowmelt and help hydropower operators generate energy more efficiently. As proof of its great potential, this innovative business idea was recently announced as one of 15 winners of the EU’s Parsec Accelerator program, earning the group €110k in funding, as well as the support of the European Union.

Original Article on https://www.news.uzh.ch

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