
Guidelines for Cancer-Related Fatigue Surveillance

(University of Lucerne, September 28, 2020)

Although the long-term survival of childhood, adolescent, and young adult (CAYA) cancers has improved significantly over the past decades, most survivors still experience late effects from cancer and its treatment, such as Cancer-related fatigue (CFR) – a well-known problem during the active treatment phase of cancer, but which can also be a frequent problem for survivors many years after completion of therapy. In this context, an international research team, which, among others, was led by University of Luzern Professor Gisela Michel, recently reviewed four existing clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), as well as performed systematic literature searches, in order to develop an evidence-based CPG with internationally harmonized CRF surveillance recommendations for CAYA cancer survivors diagnosed < 30 years. In particular, the researchers recommend that healthcare providers adopt regular screening to detect and treat CRF early.

Original Article on https://www.unilu.ch

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