
Analyzing Neural Circuits Involved in Flexible Decision-Making

(University of Zurich, September 16, 2020)

Although it is well known that humans, like other animals, have the ability to constantly adapt to new situations, the biological processes that enable this amazing feat are still poorly understood. In this context, a team of University of Zurich neuroscientists recently simulated a relearning process under controlled conditions in a series of experiments with mice, during which they were able to demonstrate that the orbitofrontal cortex, a region of the cerebral cortex that sits behind the eyes, is capable of reprogramming neurons located in sensory areas. According to Professor Fritjof Helmchen, these findings may “contribute to a better understanding of brain disorders in which the flexibility in decision making is impaired, as it is, for example in various forms of autism and schizophrenia.”

Original Article on https://www.media.uzh.ch

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