
Early Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease

(University of Lugano, August 18, 2020)

A team of researchers from the Cardiocentro Ticino and the EOC Neurocentro – both of which are directly involved in the training activities of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) – recently concluded a project that delivers a message of hope in the fight against Parkinson's disease. Currently, the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease occurs at an advanced stage of its clinical manifestations – a limitation that significantly affects the therapeutic approach. In order to mitigate this issue, the study therefore focused on the analysis of blood plasma microvesicles (exosomes), which could allow the disease to be detected at a very early stage, thereby favoring more effective therapeutic approaches. The new method, which is non-invasive and economical, only requires a simple peripheral blood sample.

Original Article on https://www.usi.ch

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