
Regulation of NTRK2 Gene Reduces Risk of Psychological Trauma

(University of Basel, August 17, 2020)

Traumatic experiences, such as an accident, rape or torture, can become deeply entrenched in a person’s memory and cause symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) even years later. In this context, a team led by University of Basel Professor Dominique de Quervain recently published a study that suggested that increased regulation of the NTRK2 gene reduces memory formation, which results in traumatic experiences not becoming as entrenched in the memory, thereby reducing the risk of developing PTSD. The researchers hope that the findings of this study will contribute to the development of new therapies, which may also help in cases of existing PTSD by preventing recurrent unpleasant recollections from further cementing the traumatic memory.

Original Article on https://www.unibas.ch

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