
Swiss National Science Foundation Funds 28 New Coronavirus Research Projects

(Swiss National Science Foundation, August 04, 2020)

Following the Federal Council’s mandate on 30 April 2020, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) launched the National Research Program "COVID-19" (NRP 78) on 30 April 2020 to advance our understanding of the coronavirus disease COVID-19, provide recommendations for clinical management and public health, and expedite the development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. Of the 190 applications that were submitted, 28 research projects were recently selected to be funded under the NRP "COVID-19", predominately in biomedicine, clinical research, epidemiology and prevention (23 projects), but also in mathematics, natural and engineering sciences (1 project), as well as in the humanities and social sciences (4 projects).

Original Article on http://www.snf.ch

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