
5 New Research Priority Programs at University of Zurich

(University of Zurich, August 18, 2020)

In order to open new avenues for innovative research in areas relevant to our society by fostering cross-disciplinary cooperation between scientist, the University of Zurich recently introduced five new University Research Priority Programs (URPP), which focus on equal opportunities, human reproduction, rare diseases, digital religions and basic principles of learning. These programs, which will run between 8 and 12 years, build on already existing research expertise and are instrumental in promoting the academic career of junior scholars at UZH. Furthermore, joint projects are evaluated by external specialists every 4 years and on average, are awarded an annual funding of CHF 1.7 million from UZH. This latest series of URPP is scheduled to kick off from 1 January 2021.

Original Article on https://www.media.uzh.ch

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