
swissnex Turns 20

(State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, September 25, 2020)

The swissnex network connects Switzerland to the international education, research and innovation community. It supports the global exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent and bolsters Switzerland's reputation as a top-notch location for research and innovation. In this context, flexibility and agility have become the network's hallmark, which allows it to remain closely in tune with developments taking place around the world. As stated by Malin Borg Soares, head of the swissnex network, “the only constant at swissnex is change.” In 2020, swissnex marks its 20th year of existence and under the motto "nex20 – connecting tomorrow," various commemorative events will take place to jointly develop future scenarios and visionary ideas. The swissnex network, which is a SERI initiative, and part of the Federal Administration’s external network run by the FDFA, currently comprises 5 swissnex offices and around 20 science counsellors assigned to Swiss embassies around the world.

Original Article on https://www.sbfi.admin.ch

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This article is part of Science-Switzerland produced by swissnex China as part of the swissnex Network.
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