
Insect protein as a sustainable meat alternative

(Inside the Hive, November 21, 2013)

At Cambridge start-up Six Foods, three students hope to create buzz in the food industry by building a business around consuming insects - mealworm tacos, cricket cookies or hornworm salsa are just a few of their concoctions. The group is well aware of the hurdles to overcome, most of all getting people to eat bugs, but they are hopeful. “We know that perceptions can change,” one of the three women said. “Lobsters used to be fed to prisoners and people used to think eating raw fish was disgusting but now both of those things are delicacies.” Also, the arguments for eating bugs are hard to combat especially in a climate where farm-to-table and sustainability are catch phrases used almost ubiquitously to promote food goods.

Original Article on http://www.boston.com

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