
Lazy Bytes: Remote Redesigned and Showcased at Parsons The New School

(swissnex Boston, November 18, 2013)

Why do we invest in a vase, a plate or a lamp, but not in a remote control for the television, although it's in the heart of our lounge? Sixty years after its creation under the name of “Lazy Bones”, the EPFL + ECAL Lab, in association with the Kudelski Group, presents the project “Lazy Bytes “, which revisits radically the remote control with the ambition to renew our relationship to digital contents, to which the television from now on belongs. Lazy Bytes gathers creations of the ECAL in Lausanne, the ENSCI-Les Ateliers in Paris, Royal College of Art of London and Parsons The New School for Design in New York.

Original Article on http://yourswissnexboston.org

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