
Tongji and World's Top Universities Launch Intelligent Construction Camp

(Tongji University, January 08, 2019)

Recently, a joint camp named Digital Design and Intelligent Construction, co-founded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ETH Zurich and Tongji University, opened in the College of Architecture & Urban Planning at Tongji University. Professor Philippe Block of ETH Zurich and Professor Yuan Feng of Tongji, as visiting professors of MIT, undertook the overall teaching of the camp at Tongji University. Participants from MIT and Tongji University were to design and construct large-scale human-robot collaboration arch-shell structures together by making good use of interdisciplinary knowledge and techniques as programming, such as structure design, digital construction and robot field assembly and construction. Based on the tools, technology and workflow of three-dimensional modeling, Python-coded digital design, and open source COMPASS, the camp would carry out joint research on constructional engineering and digital construction in robotic environment.

Original Article on https://en.tongji.edu.cn

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