
Most Entrepreneurial Countries

(startupticker.ch, June 05, 2013)

The School of Management Fribourg recently published the results of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), which explores and assesses the role of entrepreneurship in national economic growth. The GEM includes a country ranking based on the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI). In 2012 Switzerland again featured among the world’s most entrepreneurial countries. It ranked 7th, after the US, Sweden and Australia in the top three. Switzerland achieves outstanding results in finance, commercial infrastructure, tertiary education, and knowledge and technology transfer, and in stable internal market dynamics. The Swiss start-up scene is characterized by somewhat risk-averse founders, but is clearly oriented towards combined product-market innovation and international markets. Entrepreneurial framework conditions are outstanding and businesses tend to be sustainable.

Original Article on http://www.startupticker.ch

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