
Radiation Detection for Internal Security

(ETH Zurich, July 15, 2013)

The detectors developed by ETH spin-off Arktis Radiation Detectors Ltd can reliably sense radioactive material even if it is shielded with a lead jacket. They react not only to highly radioactive material such as caesium and americium, which are considered possible source materials for dirty bombs, but also to the plutonium and uranium needed for atomic bombs, which have comparatively weaker radiation emissions and thus are difficult to detect. The technology originates from particle physics research conducted at ETH Zurich. The company has attracted considerable attention, and even has the US Department of Homeland Security as a research investor and is currently collaborating with seven partners – including a group led by ETH professor André Rubbia – as part of a project financed by the European Union to enhance one of the company’s recently developed detectors and to expand its range of products.

Original Article on http://www.ethlife.ethz.ch

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