
Hotlabs for Research on New Neutron Beam Sources

(Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, July 11, 2013)

The hotlab facilities at Paul Scherrer Institute allow researchers to safely study radioactive materials from nuclear power plants or research projects behind walls of concrete and lead that are up to a meter thick. The researchers regularly analyze the spent fuel elements from Swiss nuclear power plants to find possible damage from oxidation or embrittlement. Their findings help to improve the efficiency and safety of the power plants. The facilities are also used for international research projects like the Megawatt Pilot Project (MEGAPIE), which aims to get approval for a new high-performance liquid lead-bismuth target for the generation of an intense neutron beam. The main goals are to demonstrate the safe operation and disposal of the new neutron beam source and to further analyze its properties.

Original Article on http://www.psi.ch

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