
New Data Shows Planktonic Organism Behavior in Ecosystems

(20 Minuten, July 19, 2013)

A recently released article in the journal “Earth System Science Data” provides information about microorganisms ranging from phytoplankton and bacteria to krill. Meike Vogt, senior scientist at the Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics at ETH Zurich, collaborated on the project with her British colleagues at the University of East Anglia. “The data helps us understand how planktonic organisms are organized in ecosystems." Researchers aim to have the data examined on what role plankton plays in different oceanic regions thereby acting as a driver of the earth’s various biogeochemical cycles. Likewise, climate scientists have a more solid foundation on this data which can validate their models. If these scientists succeed in mapping ecological diversity more precisely then more accurate predictions regarding the role of the ocean as a carbon sink can be determined.

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