
65,000 Simulations Lead to 6 New Climate Targets

(University of Bern, July 03, 2013)

“Neither sufficient nor suitable” is how researchers at the University of Bern’s Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research perceive the current goal of limiting the increase in global mean temperature to two degrees Celcius relative to preindustrial times. Fearing dangerous anthropogenic damage to our ecosystem, Professor Joos, Professor Stocker, and Dr. Steinacher are adamant that the reduction of CO2 emissions must double compared to the reduction target set for the two-degree maximum increase in temperature. Recently publishing in Nature, the researchers propose six specific global and regional climate targets based on roughly 65,000 simulations made by a unique and state-of-the-art Earth System Model developed at the University. They hope policy makers will take a quantitative approach to linking climate targets to greenhouse gas emissions in efforts to stop rising sea levels, agricultural production loss, and the acidification of oceans among many other environmental concerns.

Original Article on http://www.kommunikation.unibe.ch

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