
First Swiss-made Computer with Ubuntu Pre-installed

(startupticker.ch, July 12, 2013)

why! open computing SA, founded by environmentally-aware former Vaud state councilor François Marthaler, has launched the first Swiss-made computer with Ubuntu pre-installed. The company aims to make laptops that last 10 years or more, countering trends towards programmed obsolescence in IT. With its repository and hundreds of free software packages, Ubuntu allows anybody to bypass proprietary operating systems and benefit from the tremendous potential of new information technologies and communication at minimal cost. To extend computer lifespans, why! uses easily dismantleable computers and offers customers repair guides and low-cost spare parts. Since GNU/Linux and free software mainly benefit local economies, why! provides a directory of Swiss companies that offer local user support. It proposes an Ubuntu-compatible laptop, desktop and peripherals.

Original Article on http://www.startupticker.ch

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