
Software to Trace Paths Through a Music Jungle

(EPFL, July 05, 2013)

A software developed by researchers at EPFL offers an innovative approach to playlist making and to rediscovering forgotten songs. The program called Genezik proposes to guide listeners in the exploration of new musical avenues and help them rediscover their own music and forgotten pieces. What makes this program original is its ability to determine which pieces of music go together, allowing it to create musical paths, for example gently taking the listener from good old Aretha Franklin to Daft Punk, or even from a Mozart piece to Metallica. After choosing a single song, it creates a coherent route among tracks whose properties have been determined to be similar with regards to scientifically established parameters. This is one of the inventions that EPFL presented during the Montreux Jazz Festival.

Original Article on http://actu.epfl.ch

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