
Locating Pancreatic Tumors: A New, Better Method

(Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, July 29, 2013)

Exploiting the keyhole phenomenon of receptors on the surface of insulinomas, researchers have developed a radioactive marker able to locate these small tumors more accurately than traditional imaging methods. Commonly found in the pancreas, insulinomas produce insulin uncontrollably which can lead to hypoglycemia and induce comas. Since surgical removal is the only form of treatment, locating these tumors accurately is critical. The marker, which binds to receptors on the tumor making it therefore visible using a special camera, enabled researchers at the Inselspital Bern, Basel University Hospital, and the Paul Scherrer Institute to successfully locate 95% of insulinomas compared to just 47% using CT or MRI in a group of 30 patients. Professor Emanuel Christ of the Inselspital Bern believes that their new method could replace CT and MRI altogether in the future.

Original Article on http://www.psi.ch

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