
Development of Staphylococcus Aureus Vaccine

(startupticker.ch, July 03, 2013)

A consortium comprising Imaxio, the Jenner Institute at Oxford University, the European Vaccine Initiative and the Swiss startup Preclin Biosystems has been awarded EUR 5.5 million by EU to develop a Staphylococcus aureus vaccine. Funding will be used to complete pre-clinical tests as well as a Phase I clinical trial in humans in 2016. The bacterium S. aureus causes a range of serious infections in humans and is responsible for approximately 16,000 deaths annually in Europe and 19,000 in the US. The emergence of highly antibiotic resistant S. aureus strains is posing a serious public health threat around the world and an increasing economic burden. Recent vaccine candidates have not proven effective in large human clinical studies.

Original Article on http://www.startupticker.ch

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