
Measuring Blood Pressure with a Wristband

(Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, June 12, 2013)

High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of death worldwide, yet according to the World Health Organization (WHO) fewer than half of affected people measure their blood pressure regularly. Monitoring blood pressure is costly and tedious, usually involving a cumbersome measuring device or invasive monitoring. STBL Medical Research AG has developed an innovative wrist-worn device that offers a cheaper, simpler and more comfortable way of measuring blood pressure. It integrates a sensor, made at EMPA from piezo-resistive fibers, that simultaneously measures the contact pressure, pulse and blood flow on the skin surface. It can be used both for medical purposes and as a blood pressure and heart rate monitor for leisure activities and sports. Trials are underway.

Original Article on http://www.empa.ch

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