
swissnex – partimos pro Brasil!

(State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, July 19, 2013)

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) are planning to establish a swissnex consular annex in Brazil. Starting in October, Gioia Deucher, currently deputy director of swissnex San Francisco, will begin the development work in Rio de Janeiro. Synergies are expected to result from the future activities of swissnex and those pursued by Presence Switzerland (PRS) in Brazil during the FIFA World Cup 2014 and the 2016 Summer Olympics. swissnex seeks to bring together people from Brazil and Switzerland to share their pioneering spirit and creative ideas. At the same time, it assists Swiss higher education institutions and new startup companies in their efforts to develop their international activities.

Original Article on http://www.sbfi.admin.ch

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